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BrainBodyMind Wellness Treatment and Training Programs
for Spas and Wellness Professionals

A holistic, paramedic and transdisciplinary approach to health and wellbeing

BrainBodyMind Wellness™ Treatments and Training Program

The Tides BrainBodyMind Wellness™ Treatment and Training Program has been developed by Annemarie L. Wortman and Louis Wijdenbosch, who bring over three decades of seasoned (clinical) experience and notable expertise in the health, spa, wellness, and sports arena. Their deep dedication and passionate commitment to the fields of holistic health and wellbeing has shaped this innovative program, designed to advance the practice of wellness professionals around the globe to provide their guests transformative wellness experiences with tangible results for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.

The|Tides BrainBodyMind Wellness™ treatments are an exclusive collection of high impact, wellness therapies rooted in a comprehensive and forward-thinking methodology based on a clear theoretical and scientifically backed foundation that takes a holistic, paramedic and trans-disciplinary approach to health and wellbeing. It is an innovative framework for an integrated way of working and thinking around the psychosomatic body that draws inspiration from the deep connections and pathways between the brain, body and mind, embodying the holistic principle of treating the body as being capable of healing itself.

All treatments within the Tides BrainBodyMind Wellness™ series are meticulously crafted with the modern wellness consumer in mind, offering innovative approaches to addressing a range of health and wellness issues that are often caused by the demands of modern contemporary living.  From mental health issues and increased stress levels to fascia tension, increased muscle tone, depleted energy stores, compromised immunity, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions and insomnia, our treatments address a broad spectrum of wellness needs.

High impact evidence based wellness therapies

About BrainBodyMind Wellness™

BrainBodyMind Wellness™ is a comprehensive and forward-thinking methodology that takes a holistic, paramedic and trans-disciplinary approach to health and wellbeing. It is an innovative framework for an integrated way of working and thinking around the psychosomatic body, based on a clear theoretical and scientifically backed foundation. The psychosomatic body is subject to fluctuating stages, often triggered by the demands of living contemporary life. These shifts can disrupt the harmony among the various bodily systems which keep us physically, mentally and emotionally balanced, resilient and healthy. The BrainBodyMind Wellness™ approach offers a holistic solution providing therapists a comprehensive conceptual and therapeutic framework to navigate these dynamic changes.

Through our integrated treatment approach, we enable professionals to elevate the quality, effectiveness and outcome of their wellness treatments to a higher level.   By gaining advanced insights about the intriguing multidirectional connections within the brain-body-mind pathways and being equipped with a toolkit of specialized treatment techniques and targeted products, practitioners are empowered to effectively influencing or even reversing the root causes and complaints that arise from the disharmony within the psychosomatic body and promote optimal health and resilience.

All of our massages and therapies can be customized to meet the individual needs of each guest, guided by our BrainBodyMind Wellness™ methodology. This approach ensures a holistic and harmonious fusion of advanced treatment techniques including but not limited to connective tissue work, breathwork, vagal toning, haptonomic bodywork, craniosacral therapy, meridian and acupressure work, neuromuscular therapy, clinical stretching, joint mobilizations, and balancing energy work.

To further enhance and precisely targeting the outcomes of our treatments, we have curated a collection of result-driven professional-use products with beautiful textures and aromatherapy scents that support and amplify the benefits of our therapeutic techniques. They are infused with active botanical and mineral ingredients that are chosen for their powerful characteristics and rooted in the knowledge and wisdom of the traditional healing arts and modern scientific insights. They are always clean, pure, vegan, cruelty free, sustainably sourced and 100% biodegradable.

At the heart of our products lie unique ingredients that are known for their purifying, re- mineralizing strengthening and revitalizing properties. Our seaweed and algae are sustainably cultivated in purified seawater while our 100% pure magnesium is sourced from a 250-million- year-old evaporated sea from the Pangea era that is deeply hidden in the Dutch soil and sea and has never been exposed to modern day pollution. We blend these effective and potent ingredients in a cutting-edge synergy with other ingredients that have a long history of healing and therapeutic efficacy such as grey sea salt, clay, muds, plants, herbs and aromatherapy oils.


At the heart of our products lie unique ingredients that are known for their purifying, re- mineralizing strengthening and revitalizing properties.

Our seaweed and algae are sustainably cultivated in purified seawater while our 100% pure magnesium is sourced from a 250-million- year-old evaporated sea from the Pangea era that is deeply hidden in the Dutch soil and sea and has never been exposed to modern day pollution.

We blend these effective and potent ingredients in a cutting-edge synergy with other ingredients that have a long history of healing and therapeutic efficacy such as grey sea salt, clay, muds, plants, herbs and aromatherapy oils.

Treatments and Training program

The Tides BrainBodyMind Wellness™ Treatment and Training Program has been developed by Annemarie L. Wortman and Louis Wijdenbosch, who bring over three decades of seasoned (clinical) experience and notable expertise in the health, spa, wellness, and sports arena.

Their deep dedication and passionate commitment to the fields of holistic health and wellbeing has shaped this innovative program, designed to advance the practice of wellness professionals around the globe to provide their guests transformative wellness experiences with tangible results for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.

Result driven BrainBodyMind Spa and Wellness Treatments

Massage Collection


Back to Brilliance™️

For anyone who need to restore their inner balance, energy levels and strength when the daily strains and stressors have been a bit overwhelming.


BrainBody Stretch™️

For athletes looking to reduce recovery time after intense work-out to soothe a tired and overworked body and brain.

Also a perfect recovery treatment for high rhythm, 24/7 connected people that need to get loose and release blockages caused by incorrect movements or posture, too long sittings and long-haul flights.


Peace Out™️

Designed for those seeking a peaceful state of deep relaxation for a night of restful and restorative sleep. Reset your circadian rhythms and get ready for a night of deep and satisfying sleep and wake up refreshed and rested.


My Sister the Moon™️

Developed to support woman who need to relieve some (pre) menopause discomforts and can use some nourishing energetic empowerment to flourish in embracing the change of new beginnings.


Baby my Belly™️

For the mom-to-be that needs to relax and relieve some of the tensions and discomforts of her pregnancy to restore the ideal balance between her and her baby.

Also perfect as a post-natal massage.

Face and Body Treatments



For anyone who need to relieve muscle tightness, stiffness, fatigue and pain from their back, shoulders and neck as well as congestion around the spine due to stress and/or bad posture.

Also perfect treatment to reduce skin challenges and seasonal skin changes on shoulders, neck and back.


BrainBody Hacker™️

For those with a cluttered brain, racing thoughts and feel tired but are too wired to switch off. This treatment is developed to specifically de-stress the headspace and relax an overly tensed body to optimize the BrainBody connection.


Tides Fixer™️

Developed for those who want to detox their upper legs, glutes, lower back and hips to prevent or reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Gracious Tides™️

For those who want to transform their skin into a smoother and healthier glow version of itself while reducing stresses and strains  from the face, scalp, neck and shoulders where tensions and toxins of daily stressors accumulate. 

Holistic Wellness Treatments


The Healer™️

Developed for those experiencing consistent stress in their daily life and feel physically and mentally exhausted and need to deeply switch off to reconnect with their selves to regain a renewed sense of body awareness, mental clarity and new perspective.


Ocean Deep Recovery™️

For those who need to unplug to reduce fatigue, reinforce resilience and induce recovery on a deeper level for a renewed sense of energy and zest.



For those who want to create space for a physical, mental and emotional detox in which deep purification can take place.



Inner Calm and Strength™️

Developed to unwind and de-stress, wash out negative energy and muscles tension in order to maintain a healthy (alkaline) balance and strong inner core to stay resilient to both physical and emotional stress.

The Testimonials

A Selection of our Spa Partners

Get in touch

Speak with a member of the team

Our team can answer your questions around our BrainBodyMind Wellness treatments, training and products or other queries that you may have.

Seaweed and Algae | Pure, potent and powerful
The seaweed that we use in our formulation is sustainably and ethically sourced on land along the coastline. It 100% organic, thus preserving its nutritional content and undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives.

The seaweed grows in seawater pools which mimic the marine environment. Clear seawater is pumped from the depths of the sea and after a cleansing filtering process it flows into the seaweed growing pools. The seaweed grows in mineral rich unpolluted seawater and is divided into age groups; the ‘Baby House, the Children’s House’ and the ‘Adults ‘. The unique pools imitate the conditions in the sea, the pools are open to the sun and condensers in the water create wave-like movements. After the growing process is completed, the water is pumped back to the sea. The seaweed’s organic growth is monitored according to recognized international standards

About Seaweed

Seaweed and human plasma are almost identical in their chemical composition. It contains an abundance of minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids (especially iodine). Seaweed is known for its slimming and body toning properties, it promotes detoxification, is deeply hydrating and soothing for the skin and can aid in relieving topical skin conditions. Due to its rich mineral content it is a natural stress buster and relieves muscles pain and tense joints.
Magnesium Chloride | The ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral

The Source

The magnesium in our formulas is a true Dutch original. Originating from a 250-million-year-old evaporated sea from the Pangea Era it is sustainably sourced by just using water pressure. As the magnesium has never been exposed to modern day pollution, this unique in the world magnesium is certainly the most pure and natural source of magnesium chloride in the world known to date.

About magnesium

The magnesium chloride molecule is the same molecule that is present in seawater and in our bodies. It controls hundreds of chemical reactions in the body; the production and transport of energy, synthesis of protein and is essential for transmission of nerve signals, muscle function, healthy DNA, blood pressure regulation and blood sugar uptake. It is in an important mineral to keep our brains and bodies strong. When our magnesium levels dip and become low we can feel stressed, fatigued, as well as experience sleep deprivation and skin disorders can occur too. Think about magnesium as the ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral which our bodies need to operate optimally. If our magnesium levels are perfectly balanced it can make us feel like we are on top of the world.

Can magnesium can be absorbed through the skin?

If molecules are small enough, they can slip through the skin. A molecule smaller than 500 Daltons, can drift through the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin - the 500 Dalton rule. Magnesium Chloride ions are significantly smaller than 500 Daltons, at an atomic mass of just 24 Daltons.

Grey Sea Salt | A mineral powerhouse
The Source

As we take no short-cuts with our ingredients we researched many different salts and consciously choose grey sea salt. Not only is this salt sustainably farmed but also hand-harvested using a traditional ancient 2000 years old method. This tradition of craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation of salt marsh workers and is still used today.

 How does it work?

Mineral-rich ocean water is channeled through an ingenious channel system to shallow clay swamps acting as a natural purification method, as microbes in the clay neutralize impurities in the seawater. Tests show that the salt is 100 % pollution free due to this time-honored natural purification system. After a journey of 2 weeks in the channels, the salt is collected at one of the many ancient sea beds where it evaporates by the sun, leaving only the salt crystals with over 80 vital trace minerals and electrolytes. As the salt is not washed but sun dried, the refined mineral balance remains completely intact. Many other sea salts are bleached, chemically derived and oven dried which means that many of their vital bioavailable nutrients get lost.

About Grey Sea  Salt

Grey sea salt contains over 80+ vital minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper. Bathing in raw grey sea salt helps to detoxify, condition and heal the skin; it increases circulation, draws out impurities, cleanses the skin pores, removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin soft and thoroughly cleansed. It’s amazing mineral content helps to restore the protective skin barrier of the skin, helps to enhance hydration and greatly aides in reducing inflammation. That’s why people with inflammatory skin conditions are often advised to swim in the sea as part of their treatment. Grey sea salt is also a great source of electrolytes, which plays an important role in the nervous system. They are vital for our brain, heart and muscle health. Grey Sea Salt can easily be absorbed through the skin through bathing.
Sea Clay | The Noblest of Clays

The Source

Our clay is sustainably and ethically mined, undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives and is sun dried which not only preserves its rich mineral content but also does not reject Co2 in the atmosphere. The often oven dried and cheap versions available on the market loose many of its mineral content. The particle size of our clay is only 20 µm which easily dissolves in water and does not clog the drain, when used in a bath. 

About Sea Clay

The clay that we use in our bath formulations contain over 80+ minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, silica, manganese, phosphorous, copper and selenium and has been used for thousands of years by many civilizations for its cleansing, purifying, re-mineralizing and balancing properties. Bathing is Sea Clay has a cleansing and purifying effect. The ionic charge of our clay is 100% negative and adsorbs and absorbs positive charged ions. Almost everything that attacks our bodies like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxic chemicals, is of a positive ionic charge. With its negative charge and very fine texture it draws out the positive charged impurities and toxins while releasing its minerals and trace elements into contact with the skin. Due to its rich mineral content it naturally eases sore muscles, relieves tension in joints and combats fatigue.
Only use your jade roller on a clean face. Before your start rolling apply a few drops of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil  on your face, neck and chest. Follow the steps hereafter.

Roll lightly do not press too firmly. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the roller and start again from the starting point. Don’t roll backwards. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Start with the large sized stone on your chest and roll along your skin with outward and upward strokes moving towards the lymph.

Move up to the base of the neck rolling with the large size stone upwards to the jawline.

Chin, Jawline
Continue with the large size stone from the middle of the chin and roll under the chin and on the jawline with outward and upward strokes towards the ear.

Roll with the small size stone under, up and above the lips with outward and upward strokes toward the ear.

Roll from the large size stone from the nose outwards toward the ear.

Under Eye and Eye lid
Start with the small size stone at the inner corner of the eye and move very gently to the temple.

Follow  the contour of your eyebrow  with the small size stone and roll outwards and down to the temple.

Start at the middle of your forehead and roll with the large size stone upwards and outwards towards the hairline.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade roller with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Only use the Jade stone on a clean face. Before your start apply a few drops of  Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, warm the Jade stone up between your hands.  Follow the steps hereafter.

It is important to always keep the stone flat against your skin and perform light and long strokes, do not put too much pressure on the stone. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the stone and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. Always us lightly and give a tiny wiggle at the end of the movement to support removal of waste under the skin.

Start at the neck and sweep up gently toward the jawline.

Chin , Jawline and Mouth area
Move up to the middle of your chin and sweep the area that’s right under your chin with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the area under your lip sweep on your jawline with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the middle of the upper lip and sweep with outward and upwards strokes toward your ear.

Start from the side of your nose and sweep across your cheeks and underneath the cheekbones with outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline.

Under Eye
Sweep very gently under your eye from the inner corner of the eye and move very lightly  to the temple.

Follow the contour of your eyebrow and sweep lightly outward down to the temple staying on the brow bone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Sweep lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently sweep right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Sweeping down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face so that it moves towards the lymphatic drainage points.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade stone with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Always use the cups on a clean face. Before your start, apply a very generous amount of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, this is important for good and safe suction and gliding. DON'T let the cup sit in one place, as that can cause bruising. Keep it moving!  Follow the steps hereafter carefully as the lymphatic drainage in every step is most important.

Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the cup and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Chin, Jawline and Cheeks
Put the large cup under the midpoint of your chin and move the cup outward and upwards towards the ear and down to the jawline to the collarbone.  Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement.
Continue with the jawline and the cheeks, move the cup outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline and down to the collarbone. Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement. 

Mouth area
Move the small cup around the mouth area and lips.

Under Eye
Move with the small cup very gently under your eye and move very lightly  to the temple and down to the jaw to the collarbone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Move lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently move the cup right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Moving down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face towards the lymphatic drainage.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. As facial cupping is an intensive treatment only do it once a week.

Soak the cups in warm water and soap after use, dry them with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.

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