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The beauty of breath work

With more and more people turning to breath work to support them through tough times, Vitality Editor Becci Vallis looks at the techniques you can add to your treatments.

It’s part of the norm to start a treatment with three deep breaths to get your client to slow down and connect with you but spas and therapists are increasingly dedicating more time to incorporating breath work into their repertoire.

“It affects every process in the body so to ensure that our treatments work effectively we pay a lot of attention to breathing so clients can achieve a faster and deeper relaxation in the body and the brain – before, during and after the treatment,” explains Annemarie Wortman, co-founder of The Tides Wellness. “Our aim is to constantly stimulate the activity of the vagus nerve to increase vagal tone, which has an immediate effect on reducing physical, mental and emotional stress. We find that it’s a natural way to obtain relaxation for both the therapist and the guest and to synchronise the contact between both which in our view is crucial for a successful treatment.”

Why the breath is so beneficial

Obviously breathing is the thing that keeps us alive but there is more evidence emerging that by focusing on the breath it can make you healthier, happier and improve both physical and mental performance. From increasing our immunity to helping manage symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and insomnia, the possibilities are endless. Certain types of breathwork like the Wim Hof Method where you perform short, sharp inhalations and exhalations followed by an elongated breath hold can even increase your amount of red blood cells as the pathways that deliver oxygen to the cells become stronger.

It’s also something that everyone can do, anytime, anywhere which is why as a therapist it’s a brilliant way to give clients a take home benefit so the serenity they feel in the treatment room continues long after they’ve left. “If it didn’t work, people wouldn’t do it, or they’d abandon it after trying it once,” says Stuart Sandeman, founder of Breathpod and who teaches online and in-person breathwork classes. “Taught in the right way, it’s an incredibly empowering and accessible tool and we can use it to turn our stress to calm, to help us through daily challenges, to resolve trauma, to improve sleep…the list goes on.”

The method

For something so simple, there are several breathing methods that you can train in, and many practitioners use a combination to achieve the best results. “There is conscious energy breathwork which is mainly aimed at dealing with trauma, forms of yogic breathwork (pranayama) which is designed to calm the nervous system and then things like functional breathing and sports breathing which is why it’s really important to seek out an experienced practitioner,” continues Stuart.

The|Tides Wellness use diaphragm, hara and synchronised breathing techniques to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system while aesthetician and facialist Abigail James calls on the techniques she learnt in her training as a yoga teacher. She’s even dedicated a chapter to the practice in her new book, The Glow Plan.

But you don’t need to become an expert to incorporate it into your treatments – start small with extended exhalations. All you have to do is make sure your clients exhale is twice the length of their inhale. So, if they breath in for three seconds, they must exhale for six. If they breath in for four, get them to breath out for eight. Repeat for 2-3 rounds and they’ll instantly feel calmer. “This allows the body to connect to the rest and digest system as opposed to the fight or flight mode that we tend to stay in during times of stress,” explains Annemarie.

Putting it into practice

With the pandemic prompting people to look towards more holistic methods to decompress and reboot, Relaxing and Beauty Therapies West Midlands saw it as the perfect opportunity to offer breathing-based relaxation sessions to their clients. “I am trained in breathing techniques and in response to feedback from our clients about anxiety during lockdown, I decided to offer one-to-ones via zoom or send a download to their phone to help reduce their worries, induce sleep and quell a busy mind,” says owner, Faye Tonkinson. The techniques now form part of their ‘3 Point Body Balance’ treatment and it’s been so popular they’re now looking to expand the service outside the salon by taking it into the community via several support groups in their local area.

Katie Garrett, owner of Concept Beauty Academy also decided to add breathing exercises to their Pregnancy Body Massage treatment. “Due to the diaphragm being elevated during pregnancy, expectant mothers can experience shortness of breath, nasal congestion and even vocal changes. The breathwork sequence we teach gives them the opportunity to open up their lungs and really focus on their breathing, plus it’s a lovely way to make that first contact with the client as we breathe with them,” says Katie.

Of course, not every client will be on board with breathwork but that doesn’t matter says Abigail. “There is an element of feeling confident to adding it into your treatments – your client might not be expecting it and not everyone is holistically minded but be brave, be calm and sneak it in! Hold your client’s feet or shoulders and by you taking slow breaths, it’s amazing how the client will probably stop talking and automatically slow their breathing down.”

Taking it beyond the treatment

Aromatherapy blends are a great way to get people focusing on their breath so if you have any retail products that will help prompt clients to inhale/exhale for longer, make them known.

“We developed The|Tides Breath Hacker | Aromatherapy Roll – a rollerball that contains a beautiful blend of airway clearing aromatherapy oils to soothe and calm the respiratory tract to support a clearer, healthier respiratory system,” says Annemarie. “It also comes with information on how to activate one’s vagal tone through breathing in order to calm the nervous system to find a surge of clarity, focus and breathwork whenever they feel they need it.”

There’s also a growing number of apps and tutorials that take a deep dive into the how, what and why of breathwork so you can dip your toe in before you commit to a course (of which there are plenty online and across the UK) or direct your clients there. As a starting point Breathonics and Breathwrk both offer free guided breathing exercises while the app Calm now has a ‘Breathe’ function that provides six timed breathwork practices to help you do everything from relax and unwind to focus and energise. Stuart Sandeman also holds live online sessions every first Wednesday of the month from 7pm-8.30pm live on his Instagram (@breathpod) where you’ll get an understanding of how you can release physical and emotional tension via your breath.

“Our Instagram sessions are especially popular with about 600 people tuning in and wanting to get better at understanding how to control their thoughts and emotions or looking for support through long covid. Breathwork has a broad appeal and works equally as well for those going through trauma, high-powered business execs who lead very stressful lives or even those trying to improve their breathing for a given sport,” admits Stuart.

With so much scope and opportunity and 100% inclusive, don’t limit breathwork to massages either. A body scrub, pedicure, facial, even a brow thread appointment could all have a breathwork beginning, middle or end – and not just the standard ‘three deep inhales’ (although that’s still a good launchpad). Just don’t forget to use the techniques on yourself too – “I feel it’s a topic that should be taught in school and it’s an amazing tool for therapists to use at the beginning or the end of a day when they need energising or calming down,” says Abigail. Free and at your fingertips whenever you need it, no wonder breathwork is booming!

Seaweed and Algae | Pure, potent and powerful
The seaweed that we use in our formulation is sustainably and ethically sourced on land along the coastline. It 100% organic, thus preserving its nutritional content and undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives.

The seaweed grows in seawater pools which mimic the marine environment. Clear seawater is pumped from the depths of the sea and after a cleansing filtering process it flows into the seaweed growing pools. The seaweed grows in mineral rich unpolluted seawater and is divided into age groups; the ‘Baby House, the Children’s House’ and the ‘Adults ‘. The unique pools imitate the conditions in the sea, the pools are open to the sun and condensers in the water create wave-like movements. After the growing process is completed, the water is pumped back to the sea. The seaweed’s organic growth is monitored according to recognized international standards

About Seaweed

Seaweed and human plasma are almost identical in their chemical composition. It contains an abundance of minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids (especially iodine). Seaweed is known for its slimming and body toning properties, it promotes detoxification, is deeply hydrating and soothing for the skin and can aid in relieving topical skin conditions. Due to its rich mineral content it is a natural stress buster and relieves muscles pain and tense joints.
Magnesium Chloride | The ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral

The Source

The magnesium in our formulas is a true Dutch original. Originating from a 250-million-year-old evaporated sea from the Pangea Era it is sustainably sourced by just using water pressure. As the magnesium has never been exposed to modern day pollution, this unique in the world magnesium is certainly the most pure and natural source of magnesium chloride in the world known to date.

About magnesium

The magnesium chloride molecule is the same molecule that is present in seawater and in our bodies. It controls hundreds of chemical reactions in the body; the production and transport of energy, synthesis of protein and is essential for transmission of nerve signals, muscle function, healthy DNA, blood pressure regulation and blood sugar uptake. It is in an important mineral to keep our brains and bodies strong. When our magnesium levels dip and become low we can feel stressed, fatigued, as well as experience sleep deprivation and skin disorders can occur too. Think about magnesium as the ultimate relaxation and feel good mineral which our bodies need to operate optimally. If our magnesium levels are perfectly balanced it can make us feel like we are on top of the world.

Can magnesium can be absorbed through the skin?

If molecules are small enough, they can slip through the skin. A molecule smaller than 500 Daltons, can drift through the stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin - the 500 Dalton rule. Magnesium Chloride ions are significantly smaller than 500 Daltons, at an atomic mass of just 24 Daltons.

Grey Sea Salt | A mineral powerhouse
The Source

As we take no short-cuts with our ingredients we researched many different salts and consciously choose grey sea salt. Not only is this salt sustainably farmed but also hand-harvested using a traditional ancient 2000 years old method. This tradition of craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation of salt marsh workers and is still used today.

 How does it work?

Mineral-rich ocean water is channeled through an ingenious channel system to shallow clay swamps acting as a natural purification method, as microbes in the clay neutralize impurities in the seawater. Tests show that the salt is 100 % pollution free due to this time-honored natural purification system. After a journey of 2 weeks in the channels, the salt is collected at one of the many ancient sea beds where it evaporates by the sun, leaving only the salt crystals with over 80 vital trace minerals and electrolytes. As the salt is not washed but sun dried, the refined mineral balance remains completely intact. Many other sea salts are bleached, chemically derived and oven dried which means that many of their vital bioavailable nutrients get lost.

About Grey Sea  Salt

Grey sea salt contains over 80+ vital minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper. Bathing in raw grey sea salt helps to detoxify, condition and heal the skin; it increases circulation, draws out impurities, cleanses the skin pores, removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin soft and thoroughly cleansed. It’s amazing mineral content helps to restore the protective skin barrier of the skin, helps to enhance hydration and greatly aides in reducing inflammation. That’s why people with inflammatory skin conditions are often advised to swim in the sea as part of their treatment. Grey sea salt is also a great source of electrolytes, which plays an important role in the nervous system. They are vital for our brain, heart and muscle health. Grey Sea Salt can easily be absorbed through the skin through bathing.
Sea Clay | The Noblest of Clays

The Source

Our clay is sustainably and ethically mined, undergoes no chemical treatment, contains no preservatives and is sun dried which not only preserves its rich mineral content but also does not reject Co2 in the atmosphere. The often oven dried and cheap versions available on the market loose many of its mineral content. The particle size of our clay is only 20 µm which easily dissolves in water and does not clog the drain, when used in a bath. 

About Sea Clay

The clay that we use in our bath formulations contain over 80+ minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, silica, manganese, phosphorous, copper and selenium and has been used for thousands of years by many civilizations for its cleansing, purifying, re-mineralizing and balancing properties. Bathing is Sea Clay has a cleansing and purifying effect. The ionic charge of our clay is 100% negative and adsorbs and absorbs positive charged ions. Almost everything that attacks our bodies like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxic chemicals, is of a positive ionic charge. With its negative charge and very fine texture it draws out the positive charged impurities and toxins while releasing its minerals and trace elements into contact with the skin. Due to its rich mineral content it naturally eases sore muscles, relieves tension in joints and combats fatigue.
Only use your jade roller on a clean face. Before your start rolling apply a few drops of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil  on your face, neck and chest. Follow the steps hereafter.

Roll lightly do not press too firmly. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the roller and start again from the starting point. Don’t roll backwards. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Start with the large sized stone on your chest and roll along your skin with outward and upward strokes moving towards the lymph.

Move up to the base of the neck rolling with the large size stone upwards to the jawline.

Chin, Jawline
Continue with the large size stone from the middle of the chin and roll under the chin and on the jawline with outward and upward strokes towards the ear.

Roll with the small size stone under, up and above the lips with outward and upward strokes toward the ear.

Roll from the large size stone from the nose outwards toward the ear.

Under Eye and Eye lid
Start with the small size stone at the inner corner of the eye and move very gently to the temple.

Follow  the contour of your eyebrow  with the small size stone and roll outwards and down to the temple.

Start at the middle of your forehead and roll with the large size stone upwards and outwards towards the hairline.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade roller with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Only use the Jade stone on a clean face. Before your start apply a few drops of  Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, warm the Jade stone up between your hands.  Follow the steps hereafter.

It is important to always keep the stone flat against your skin and perform light and long strokes, do not put too much pressure on the stone. Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the stone and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. Always us lightly and give a tiny wiggle at the end of the movement to support removal of waste under the skin.

Start at the neck and sweep up gently toward the jawline.

Chin , Jawline and Mouth area
Move up to the middle of your chin and sweep the area that’s right under your chin with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the area under your lip sweep on your jawline with outward and upwards strokes toward the bottom of your ear.
Continue from the middle of the upper lip and sweep with outward and upwards strokes toward your ear.

Start from the side of your nose and sweep across your cheeks and underneath the cheekbones with outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline.

Under Eye
Sweep very gently under your eye from the inner corner of the eye and move very lightly  to the temple.

Follow the contour of your eyebrow and sweep lightly outward down to the temple staying on the brow bone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Sweep lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently sweep right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Sweeping down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face so that it moves towards the lymphatic drainage points.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Clean your jade stone with warm water and soap after use, dry with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.
Always use the cups on a clean face. Before your start, apply a very generous amount of the Pure Radiance | Face Oil on your face and neck, this is important for good and safe suction and gliding. DON'T let the cup sit in one place, as that can cause bruising. Keep it moving!  Follow the steps hereafter carefully as the lymphatic drainage in every step is most important.

Repeat every stroke a few times but always pick up the cup and start again from the starting point. After finishing one side of the face you repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face.

Chin, Jawline and Cheeks
Put the large cup under the midpoint of your chin and move the cup outward and upwards towards the ear and down to the jawline to the collarbone.  Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement.
Continue with the jawline and the cheeks, move the cup outward and upwards strokes toward the hairline and down to the collarbone. Apply a little jiggle to stimulate the lymph at the of the movement. 

Mouth area
Move the small cup around the mouth area and lips.

Under Eye
Move with the small cup very gently under your eye and move very lightly  to the temple and down to the jaw to the collarbone.

Start from the area right between your eyebrows (third eye) Move lightly upwards towards the hairline and continue to go down on the hairline and down to the jawline to the collarbone.
Continue from the middle of your forehead and gently move the cup right above your eyebrows, towards your temple down to the jawline to the collarbone.

Moving down all the way to the collarbone is important to collect the lymph you moved to the side of your face towards the lymphatic drainage.

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of your face. As facial cupping is an intensive treatment only do it once a week.

Soak the cups in warm water and soap after use, dry them with a clean paper towel and store in a clean, dry place.

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